Thursday, October 7, 2021

Legal drinking age essay

Legal drinking age essay

legal drinking age essay

One topic that has a lot of notoriety all throughout the United States is the legal drinking age. Some argue that it should remain at twenty-one years old while others push for reducing it to eighteen and this has even caused some controversy. Many countries have This has led to different countries having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA). However, MLDA differs for example, the United States has it at 21 years, Denmark with no rule only for purchase of alcohol at 16 years. others have the MLDA at 18 years to as high as 25 years. the question arises as to how this rule ensure no teen drinking  · Legal Drinking Age in the U.S. Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) legislation aims to reduce alcohol use among those under 21, to prevent traffic deaths, and to avoid other negative outcomes. The minimum drinking age is a controversial issue in the United States today, and many recent efforts have aimed to reduce or qualify the minimum legal age at which drinking may occur

Legal Drinking Age Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Drinking Age More lives have been saved in the last two years alone by safety belts and air bags than have been saved in the 30 years since the adoption of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act ofmaking the Legal Age to consume alcohol 21 McCardell.

According to the above quote it is shown that increasing the legal drinking age to 21 has done nothing: it is more common to be saved by a seatbelt and airbag in a car accident than it was before increasing the legal drinking legal drinking age essay to legal drinking age essay People would be less sneaky about it and it would make drinking a lot safer.

After all it is considered to be an adult at 18 and it is legal to purchase tobacco products, get a tattoo, vote, and even defend our country. A logical legal drinking age is Drinking alcohol is often the focal point of most social events including; church, weddings, concerts, sporting events, restaurants, bars, and many private parties.

In some countries including Belgium, legal drinking age essay, Denmark and Germany, year-olds are permitted to buy legal drinking age essay and wine Griggs, legal drinking age essay. Other countries such as, Iceland, Japan, South Korea and Thailand, young adults have the opportunity to drink at the age of 18 Griggs. This behavior is much more likely to result in an overdose, leading to disorderly conduct and no one getting medical help if or when it is needed Huffington Post.

Lowering the legal drinking age to 18 will create less underage drinking and less temptation to drink. Experts believe that the increased drinking age has led to a significant breakthrough in excessive drinking among kids and young adults CBSnews. Truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness are all characteristics of honesty. Around the age of legal drinking age essay is when young adults want to experiment with things like alcohol and tobacco products, legal drinking age essay.

For example, drinking games have become a popular thing to do among young adults CBSnews. When teens take part in drinking games this leads to too much alcohol in a too short of a time period leading to getting sick, getting legal drinking age essay or hurting someone else, passing out, or even dying.

This is where it becomes harmful and dangerous CBSnews. Cops have to limit underage drinking due to it being illegal. It is the law. With that being said this is an unenforceable law CBSnews.

Underage drinking is strongly associated with many health and social problems among youth including alcohol-impaired legal drinking age essay, physical fighting, poor school performance, sexual activity, and smoking too Fact Sheets — Age 21 Minimum Legal Drinking Age. If the government is truly convinced that lowering the drinking age will cause health factors among young adults then the purchase of tobacco products should be unlawful until the age of 21 also. Tobacco has no health benefits and is harmful to others if smoking cigarettes.

There are, however, studies to support that in moderations alcohol can have health benefits. Some believe that the age of 8 or maybe even 6 could be the minimum legal drinking age in the U. S Legal drinking age essay. Lowering the drinking age to such young ages would allow parents to educate their children about alcohol and remove the enticement, which makes rebellious teenagers sneak off to basements and cars to binge drink without adult supervision. It may be assumed that many young adults are too immature to drink at age 18 and that it is unhealthy.

Drinking is unhealthy if too much is being consumed in short amount of time causing intoxication ;if alcohol is consumed excessively every day or if drinking large amount of alcohol infrequently binge drinking.

Some research speculates that some young adult livers may not be a fully developed at the age of 18, legal drinking age essay, like that of an adult at the age of 21and that drinking may predispose on to liver problems. Many studies however support that drinking responsibly has proven to be not all that harmful for most people. Too much alcohol intake contributes to more than 4, deaths among underage youth under the age of 21 in the United States each year Fact Sheets.

About 2 in 3 high school undergraduates who drink do so to the point of intoxication, that is, they binge drink defined as having five or more drinks in a rowtypically on multiple occasions Fact Sheets.

No studies have determined a direct cause and effect result between a higher drinking age and reduced drunk driving fatalities. In addition, there have been numerous studies completed that have found no correlation between the drinking age and other alcohol related harms such as, vandalism, suicide and homicides.

Unfortunately supporters of a heightened drinking age only focus on drunk driving rather than the other off-road harmful effects of excessive alcohol that go in hand with underage drinking Huffington Post. A logical drinking age is There are not significant studies to support the drunk driving fatalities platform in which the lower drinking age was based on. Legally an adult is If at 18 years of age an individual is held legally accountable for their actions then it should be lawful to drink at 18 and pay the consequences of drinking irresponsibly.

Works Cited CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 19 Feb. Commerce, The Ohio Department Of, and Division Of Liquor Control. STATE OF OHIO, Sept.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 Mar. Griggs, Brandon. Lower Its Drinking Age? Cable News Network, 01 Jan, legal drinking age essay. McCardell, John. Choose Responsibility, n. Tracy, Sam. com, 23 Jan. The Legal Drinking Age Essay. com, Jun 26, Accessed October 7, comJun Did you like this example? Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept?

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WHY is the Drinking Age 21?

, time: 4:58

The Legal Drinking Age Essay - Free Essay Example |

legal drinking age essay

 · The Legal Drinking Age Essay. Drinking Age More lives have been saved in the last two years alone by safety belts and air bags than have been saved in the 30 years since the adoption of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of , making the Legal Age to consume alcohol 21 (McCardell). According to the above quote it is shown that increasing the legal drinking age to 21 has done  · Legal Drinking Age in the U.S. Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) legislation aims to reduce alcohol use among those under 21, to prevent traffic deaths, and to avoid other negative outcomes. The minimum drinking age is a controversial issue in the United States today, and many recent efforts have aimed to reduce or qualify the minimum legal age at which drinking may occur This has led to different countries having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA). However, MLDA differs for example, the United States has it at 21 years, Denmark with no rule only for purchase of alcohol at 16 years. others have the MLDA at 18 years to as high as 25 years. the question arises as to how this rule ensure no teen drinking

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